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APTUK & CMHP Mental Health Branch

APTUK & CMHP Mental Health Branch Welcome to your new branch!

Welcome to the APTUK & CMHP Mental Health Branch

We welcome pharmacy technicians from all sectors to join our meetings and events. We provide opportunities to meet other members working in a variety of settings, to build professional relationships and enhance professional development together.

Most meetings, events and webinars are mostly delivered virtually via Teams or Zoom. We would love for you to come along to our meetings to share your experiences, expertise, and knowledge in an open, friendly, welcoming space. We also hold social events, to support wellbeing and networking.

All details of how to register to attend a meeting are here on this page, alongside all meeting dates and details of events speakers and webinars being hosted by the Branch here on this page and also how to register for a place. Any recorded meetings will be available after the Branch event and accessible on the Branch Recorded Sessions Page.

Please sign up to the APTUK & CMHP Mental Health Branch email distribution list by contacting mentalhealthbranch@aptuk.org You will then receive email correspondence on upcoming events being held. You can also follow the branch on social media via the APTUK account on:

If you would like further information, or would like to get involved, or if you would like to provide feedback, please email us at mentalhealthbranch@aptuk.org

APTUK & CMHP Mental Helth Branch Webinar Updates Summaries & Recordings

The APTUK/CMHP Mental Health Branch held its most recent meeting on 8th January 2025. The meeting followed a successful meeting in October and a branch social evening and quiz in December.

We had planned to have a presentation from Claire Butler on her experiences working in an Assertive Outreach Team but unfortunately the weather had other ideas. We will reschedule Claire’s session later in the year.

We opened the meeting with updates from APTUK and CMHP. Details of the APTUK 2025 Conference in Newcastle are now available and booking is open. The next CMHP Psych Pharm Techs event takes on 4th April 2025. If anyone would like more information about presenting or submitting a poster at either the APTUK or CMHP conference please contact mentalhealthbranch@aptuk.org and a member of the committee can provide more information and support.

Katherine Watkinson gave an overview of her experience of credentialing with the CMHP. Credentialing is the CMHP process for assessing members' knowledge and experience; it demonstrates that they are experts in the field of mental health pharmacy. Credentialed members can use the post-nominals MCMHP and are required to re-credential every 5 years.

Credentialling is open to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians internationally. The process for pharmacist credentialling is changing to link with the RPS credentialling framework but the CMHP credentialing process will remain in place for pharmacy technicians and pharmacy professionals outside the UK. Katherine was the first pharmacy technician to credential with the CMHP. Full details on the process can be found on the CMHP website: CMHP - College of Mental Health Pharmacy.

Katherine explained how her experience as a pharmacy technician and familiarity with competency-based qualifications really helped to gather the portfolio of evidence required for credentialling. The viva was the aspect the of the process that she was most nervous about and gave advice to other pharmacy technicians to practice with colleagues ahead of the viva and to not overthink their answers. Katherine shared the impact credentialling has had on her career, including improving her confidence and giving her the opportunity to be involved with projects including the review of the lithium patient safety materials. Katherine can be contacted via the branch email and is happy to speak to anyone who is interested in the credentialing process.

The APTUK/CMHP Mental Health Branch are hosting an antisemitism webinar on Wednesday 5th February, please register via the link: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/a0b97b60-3d84-47d9-b15e-0405b6be3198@81c083e9-d4d6-42b4-9219-5b287e60c4a1

Please contact mentalhealthbranch@aptuk.org if you would like to attend or present at future meetings or for any further information.

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