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APTUK 2024 Pharmacy Technician Awards

Announcing the 2024 Awards Shortlist!

The APTUK Annual Pharmacy Technician Awards celebrate and acknowledge successful individuals, teams and projects within the pharmacy technician profession. 

Congratulations to all the pharmacy technicians who were nominated for the APTUK Awards.

We are delighted to be able to recognise all sectors of pharmacy practice and individual excellence through these awards. Prizes include an engraved trophy and an educational bursary towards attendance at APTUK Annual Conference 2025.

This year we have received an amazing 40 nominations, across all the awards. As a result, competition has been very high, but after deliberation and review of each nomination by at least 3 independent judges, we can now announce the shortlists for each award. Please follow this link for full details: APTUK 2024 Awards Shortlist

The winners will be announced at the APTUK 2024 Conference and Awards Dinner on Friday 6th September at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nottingham. Prizes include an engraved trophy and an educational bursary towards attendance at the APTUK Annual Conference 2025.

There is still time to nominate a pharmacy technician for the APTUK Community Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award. This award recognises an outstanding pharmacy technician who has shown a significant contribution to pharmacy services and patients in a community pharmacy setting over the past 24 months.  

Nominations are open to members, and non-members of APTUK.    

To nominate a colleague for this prestigious award, simply click on the following link:

The APTUK Community Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award nominations are open until Sunday 23rd June 2024.

We are also inviting APTUK members to nominate their peers in recognition of outstanding achievements. 

The APTUK Fellow and Honorary membership awards are prestigious annual awards, achieved only through subscription member nomination and review of the Board of Directors.

Fellow membership

Being awarded an APTUK Fellowship is the highest honour that can be bestowed upon a member. It is awarded in recognition of exceptional professional performance or outstanding service contribution to the pharmacy technician profession or to the Association, on either a local or a national level. To be eligible for nomination, members of the Association must demonstrate upholding the values of APTUK, loyalty to APTUK and the pharmacy technician profession, and be well respected by their peers and colleagues. 

To nominate, you must be a paying subscription member of APTUK. Please complete a nomination form by clicking on the following link:

The nomination period for 2024 is open until Sunday 14th July 2024.

Honorary membership

Honorary APTUK membership is a distinctive category to acknowledge exceptional service given either to the Association or to the pharmacy technician profession generally, by a person who is not eligible to be a member of APTUK.

Only one Honorary membership is awarded each year and it is bestowed in recognition of the efforts of the nominee who has made a profound difference by either:

  • Championing and upholding the professional role of pharmacy technicians
  • Publicly supporting the continued development of pharmacy technicians
  • Advancing the roles, knowledge, skills, and behaviours of pharmacy technicians
  • Working consistently hard on behalf of pharmacy technicians.

To nominate, you must be a paying subscription member of APTUK. Please complete a nomination form by clicking on the link below.

The nomination period for 2024 is open until Sunday 14th July 2024.


Other award category nominations are now closed and shortlists are available here: APTUK 2024 Awards Shortlist

Categories include:

  • The APTUK Pharmacy Technician Team of the Year Award focuses on the pivotal role that outstanding teams of pharmacy technicians have on influencing positive person-centred patient care. This can be through innovation, service development or research
  • The APTUK Excellence in Pharmacy Education and Development Award recognises an outstanding pharmacy technician, team or project that has made a significant contribution to education, training and development of pharmacy technicians or pharmacy teams in the UK.  
  • The APTUK Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award acknowledges the commitment, dedication and achievement of Pre-Registration Trainee Pharmacy Technicians. The award will be made to a trainee who, in the opinion of the judges, demonstrates outstanding effort and commitment.  
  • The APTUK Primary Care Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award recognises an outstanding pharmacy technician who has shown a significant contribution to pharmacy services and patients in a primary care setting over the past 12 months.
  • Secondary Care Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award. The judging panel are looking for an outstanding pharmacy technician that has made a significant contribution to pharmacy services and patients in a secondary care setting in the UK over the past 12 months.  

The Katherine Miles Poster Award

Abstract submissions for educational posters have now closed. All accepted posters will be displayed at the APTUK Professional Conference and Exhibition and automatically entered into the Katherine Miles Poster Award.  This award helps to support creative thinking, using posters to illustrate latest research and generating new and valuable ideas. The award will be made to an entrant who best showcases their projects, research or achievements.

More details can be found on our website here: APTUK 2024 posters


To register for APTUK 2024 Conference and Awards Dinner, please follow the link below.

 We will look forward to seeing you there!

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