Joint National Plan
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Joint National Plan for Inclusive Pharmacy Practice in England
Wednesday 10th March 2021 sees the launch of the Joint National Plan for Inclusive Pharmacy Practice co-produced by APTUK, RPS and NHSE&I.
The plan sets out immediate and minimum actions for pharmacy professional leaders at all levels.
APTUKs commitment is to begin work on collecting data on representation of membership during April and May 2021.
Following a restructure of the Executive Committee, planned in May 2021, APTUK will be publishing organisational and membership data across the protected characteristics.
Progress of this work will be documented on our EDI pages of the website, which are open for all to view here
Liz Filder, President said;
APTUK are proud to have co-produced the National Plan reinforcing our commitment outlined in the Joint National Statement of Principles. Inclusive Pharmacy Professional Practice is at the core of the Association, and its members, values.
The APTUK will be outlining specific plans to meet the key themes identified in the National Plan, with regard to Leadership and Representation and Professional Education and Training, imminently. The starting point for our work will be a focus on obtaining data on our representation as the professional leadership body for pharmacy technicians and we encourage all our members to complete the survey to collect this data, when it is released.
The APTUK website and social media pages will be continuously updated as we work towards the commitments and outputs for the National Plan. We look forward to continuing our collaborative work with the RPS and NHSE&I and other partners; working to ensure inclusive pharmacy professional is embedded into everyday care for patients.
We encourage all our members to sign up to the Inclusive Pharmacy Practice Community of Future NHS to keep in touch with the national work and share progress.
The joint plan and further links and information can be viewed from our EDI pages of the website here
A blog by Keith Ridge, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, is available here