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How we are run

APTUK is a Limited by Guarantee (Not for Profit) Company that exists to advance the pharmacy technician profession for the benefit of patients and the public and its pharmacy technician members. Read about our Board and Executive Committee here.

APTUK is a Limited by Guarantee (Not for Profit) Company that exists to advance the pharmacy technician profession for the benefit of patients, the public and its pharmacy technician members. Our Articles of Association can be found here: APTUK Articles of Association. The Standing Orders are the Regulations of the Association, determined by the Board of Directors under Article 39 of the Articles of the Association and can be found here: Standing Orders. The standing orders also outline the terms of APTUK Membership.  

APTUK is governed by a Board of Directors, comprising the President, Vice President, Director of Education, Director of Digital Strategy and Membership Director. The Board of Directors ensure that APTUK is led and governed in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles and remains compliant with the Companies Act 2006.

The Board of Directors work closely with a team of executives (shown in the diagram above) and together they form the Executive Committee to lead the delivery of the strategic business imperatives.

The Executive Committee members have clear roles and responsibilities which cover all aspects of APTUK member priorities. They are supported by task and finisher teams to deliver identified projects to achieve business goals.

If you would like to know more about the team, please take a look at the biographies of the APTUK Board and Executive Committee.

Our business strategy can also be found here: APTUK Strategy 2022-2026

If you are interested in getting more involved, please get in touch by emailing:


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