PTPT Support Message
In News
Record learning outcomes
Pre-Registration Pharmacy Technician,
The Association of Pharmacy Technicians (APTUK) would like to thank you all for your commitment to our fantastic profession during a pandemic. We appreciate that you have intense study commitments and assessments whilst working full time, and possibly more at these difficult times. Balancing all of this in addition to looking after your own family, friends and home life is considerably difficult for many of you.
The support you are providing to your colleagues in pharmacy, and also to the wider healthcare team is very much appreciated and has not gone unnoticed. This is significantly helping the whole multidisciplinary team to continue to provide not only the healthcare that our patients and public need, but also to deliver the COVID 19 testing and vaccination programme.
It is important to look after your own health and wellbeing and there are resources available to support you with this. You could take a look at the Wellbeing information page on our website for ideas and further resources.
APTUK are here to support our PTPT members, and if there is anything in particular that you need from us at this time then please let us know. To do this please email and the APTUK team will endeavour to do what we can to help.
Our sincere thanks.
President & Directors of APTUK